As part of the upgrade package included an AfterHours software solution to book, manage and schedule the HVAC and lighting for the building.
Logical saw a need for a native mobile app solution to deliver this requirement.
The app gives a superior Tenant experience and greatly enhances the way the booking system integrates with the BMS system by using the software API.
The system resulted in zero facilities management time on booking schedules and Tenants receive their own usage reports.
Facilities management can easily run reports for billing purposes and for NABERS reporting.
The system is running seamlessly across 54 Tenancies with over 600 Staff using the system.
Customer Feedback:
- Prefer the App style setup of current system – saves details,– visually better
- Find the App more intuitive – one click style moves you through booking quite simply
Premises Assistant, Minters Tenancy, Governor Macquarie Tower