
2019 Tertiary Education Management Conference

Logical was a proud sponsor and exhibitor at the 2019 TEMC Conference at the Adelaide Convention Centre this year.

Distilling Ideas, Transforming Futures was the tagline and theme for the conference. Logical demonstrated how Space Audit Technology and People Counting can transform the way Universities make strategic space planning decisions.

24/7 monitoring of room usage allows decisions to be based on accurate data, rather than just a snapshot or general hunches. The system allows Estates and Space Planning Managers to quickly identify wasted space and under-utilised rooms, giving them the agility they need to respond effectively to a fast changing environment.

For a University, increasing room utilisation has many positive consequences. The more meaningful data provided by the system is the primary tool which Space Planning managers can use to better understand future space requirements, and increase future space utilisation.

By combining the people counting technology with the power of OTOVAC® and WebCTRL® the Universities can also reduce their energy costs. The solution provides data to the HVAC control system so that rooms can be automatically heated ready for arrivals in the winter or air conditioning can be turned off in the summer if a room is booked for use but not occupied.

This combination has the power to revolutionise how these transient buildings consume energy.